Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

webcam toy :3

im come back guys yuuuuhhuuuuu, i passed my final exams last week hehehe and now WE ARE YOUNG,WILD, AND FREE!!!!! #enggakjugasih.  now, let me share our cutest photos ever, from webcam toy:3 we took it together, long time ago when our seniors got their TPM. soooo check this out!!!!!

pig nose -..-

we are twin, aren't we?:p

face swap  -_- w/ muti

w/ belles

w/ simbah

pink rose

say cheeseeee :B


black and white are nice ones

watefak -.-

fave :3


pretty ghost, rite ?;;)
hooohohoooo nice photos rite?:p

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